This pocket schedule never saw the light of day as it was completed right before the 2020 Frontier League season was delayed. The intention was to print several thousand copies and as a result the production was thought out well in advance of the season.
This poster was part of a class-wide competition to represent the advertising efforts for the communication department spring break trip to Scandinavia. My design was chosen by the public relations professor to be distributed around the University to drum-up interest in the trip.
During my time as Editor-In-Chief of The Rocket I engineered an overhaul of the design style of our print editions. I adjusted the font selections as well as tracking and other style choices to bring the design of the paper closer to the feel of a professional newspaper without losing the creative freedom that we enjoy as a student publication. I always encouraged section editors to take risks and think big when it came to design and we were rewarded with four Keystone Press Awards for our layout and graphics.

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